

Material for climate education in elementary and high school


Links to videos
A collection of relevant videos and TED talks.

Other links
Here is a collection of links to educational material and generally cool climate-related stuff.

Homemade materials
The materials in this section I have made myself and you can download and use it as you like. Articles from sources are linked seperately to make sure you know where the knowledge originated. You may share as much as you like but, please, do not sell anything for profit, because it contradicts the principles of this website and general good conduct and courtesy.

Climate Jeopardy
This is 60 questions to play classic jeopardy with focus on climate change. A moderate knowledge of the climate issues is necessary to answer the questions. Therefore, it is best used with older pupils from about 13 years old and up.

Download here:

Endangered species
This material is based on an assessment of the number of endangered species made by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2019.  I have made some relatively simple diagrams to make the data manageable for children at around 13 years old. I have made questions which you can use as you please or as described in the Teacher’s Guide.

Download here:

Understand and Colour the Climate Change
This exercise consists of a sheet of paper with icons to colour and a story which explains the climate crisis to children. They can read the story and colour the pictures as they go along.

Download here:

Extinction Game
This is a boardgame in which the pupils get an animal species and try not to go extinct. It will probably make some of the pupils sad but it will also make them wiser and start good conversations.
I play this game with 11-12 years old children as they are the youngest I teach but you can probably use this game with even younger children.

Download here:

Carbon Footprints
In this exercise the students learn about which things in their everyday lives emit CO2. Then the teacher reads them a story while they listen and draw footprints when CO2 is spent.
I use this with relatively young children age 11 and up.

Download here:

Climate Crisis Emotions
This game consists of 48 photos which show different things from nature including some relatively dramatic ones.
The students are given a board with emotion-words on it and are asked to think and talk about what they feel.
This game can be used in all subjects if you want to talk about emotions with your pupils. It could easily be translated for use in language studies too.

Download here:

Climate Crisis Ethics
This is a discussion game. The class is divided into interest groups and will be debating one of Greta Thunberg’s speeches from different perspectives.

Download here:

Climate Crisis Math Assignment
This material consists of data from Danish research on the carbon footprint of food and 9 related math problems.
Keep in mind that the numbers are based on Scandinavian climate and the things we grow here. You might need to compensate or bring this into the discussion if you  and your students live in a different climate zone.

Download here: